Hello? Is anybody listening? If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is listening, does it make a sound? Well, I’m just going to put it out there, whether or not there is an audience. Like that gold-plated copper disk that was shot out into space. Like dandelion seeds, blown onto the wind. This is smart. This is foolish. This is.
2. Reception
Who will receive my words? You. No one. Anyone. Everyone. Me.
3. Thoughts
So many of our thoughts are unnecessary.
4. Humility
Humility is not placing yourself below others, but realizing others are not below you.
5. Flow Out Easy
let your mind out free Stand under the sky see what you see hear what you hear feel what you feel breathe in the scents Let the wind run through you and clean you out let your mind move to the sound of your breathing move to the feel of your breathing… slowly it leaves the space in your head you are lighter slowly it leaks out through your eyes through your ears through your fingers and your feet… let it go. flow out easy… It mingles with the world becomes one with the world blows over and around the world like the wind binds you to the earth and pulls you to the sky to the top of the sky blows farther and farther out till it meets itself flows together and clothes the world like air you and all are one and everything is bound to you you are the center and you know the world flow out easy…
6. The Word
The word is ink
stains the paper
finding the fibers it s p r e a d s
7. Tao
Rest in the hammock that is the Great Smile.
8. Pixels
Words are pixels. What a challenge it is, to paint like Seurat!
Perceive what the Universe unfolds. Receive. Respond as needed.
Often the right response is no response.
10. Teach and Learn
How to question. How to find facts. How to differentiate facts from fantasy, opinion, manipulation, propaganda.
11. Discernment
Refrain from jumping to confusions.
12. Fractal Mandala
Watch a fractal mandala video [ such as “Imagine Into Being”, https://youtu.be/8VVhI2maEbE ]
Constant flux, in constant balance. Imagine being a pinpoint on one of the arcs. Your path ascends and descends, appears and disappears. From this vantage point, it is impossible to see the whole cosmic dance. Imagine being the pinpoint at the very center. The absolute center. All flows from it and returns to it, in perfect symmetry. The center is ever constant. Unchanging. Eternal.
13. Kaleidoscope
You are in a kaleidoscope. All the elements symmetrical, balanced.
Then a turn.
The elements tumble into disarray. ****** *** *** ****** Ultimately they resolve, a new balance.
Sometimes you turn your kaleidoscope. Sometimes life turns it.
14. The Sky
No matter what the weather, the sky remains the sky. Your life’s weather is not you. You are the sky.
15. The Eye of the Hurricane
Forces swirl around the eye of the hurricane. The eye remains calm and steady. The eye of your life’s hurricane is at your center. Participate in your life’s activities, but keep your center alight, and rest there often. Then storms will not carry you away.
16. Law
Human laws. Decisions.
Natural laws. Facts.
17. Thoughts on Thoughts
Thoughts are Possibilities. That a thought arises does not make it true.
18. Be Aware
We do not exist only between our ears.
19. No Expectations
Regard your loved ones, abandoning all expectations.
What remains? LOVE.
20. Formless Potential
Instead of reading these words, Immerse yourself in the blank space of the page. Find and abide in formless potential.
21.What is a Miracle?
That anything exists. That life exists. That I exist. Every moment of life, from the first to the last drop, in every flavor, from bitter to sour to savory to sweet.
22. Which is True?
You are free to choose or reject multiple responses. PART 1 Which is true? 1. "Look at that (pejorative of your choice) person. What a (pejorative of your choice) outfit!"
They are a (pejorative of your choice) person.
That is a (pejorative of your choice) outfit.
You do not like that person.
You do not like that outfit.
2. "People who like that (pejorative of your choice) music are (pejorative of your choice)."
That music is (pejorative of your choice).
Those people are (pejorative of your choice).
You do not like those people.
You do not like that music.
PART 2 Which is true?
There are rules for things like outfits and music.
I am right. They are wrong.
They are right. I am wrong.
We have different preferences.
Preferences come from rules.
Rules come from preferences.
No one is right or wrong.
23. Invisible Roads
We set up invisible roads, known only to us. We expect other people – even the universe! – to walk on them. We are dismayed when they don’t.
Others, and the Universe, walk their own roads.
Other people expect us to know the invisible roads of their expectations, too. They are dismayed when we don't walk those invisible roads.
24. What is Constant
Two things are simultaneously constant: change and stillness.
25. Differentiate
Differentiate having preferences from having expectations.
26. Where You Are
The past is a memory. The future is a fantasy.
only NOW is.
Center yourself in the space of the present.
27. Choosing beliefs
An argument can be convincing without being true.
28. Find the Gift
Wrapped up in the past or future, you are unable to open the present.
29. Perspective on the Page
Take time to shift focus from the words to the space.
30. To Be. To Think.
Just be. Be = One Think about. Think = Two
31. Heads or Tails?
Whatever manifests is one thing with equal and opposite aspects.
32. The Show
When drama appears, you need not pick up the script and play a part.
33. Discover
Every moment is a discovery, not an expectation.
34. Floating
I float in my body like an embryo in the womb.
35. Parts and Whole
Human drama divides us. The Universe unifies.
35. Creation
Creation is disturbance by a Peace which remains perfectly undisturbed.
36. NOW
Know that NOW is one eternal moment.
37. The Juggler
The mind is a juggler so fascinating, you might forget that YOU are not the juggler. The mind will juggle whether or not you are watching its show.
38. Many Pieces. One Peace.
Take a break from breaking NOW into fragments for mental manipulation.
39. Abandon Expectations
Why abandon expectations? Better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed.
40. Navigate
Often, instead of following thoughts, it is wiser to navigate around them.
41. Irony
I gained control when I realized I don't have to control everything.
42. Mind
A fork is a tool, useful when you are hungry, and nourishing food is on your plate. The mind also is a tool, useful when it is not indiscriminately, applied.
43. Now
How small is “Now”? How tiny is that slice of time? Now is limitless. It is always Now.
44. Being
My skin is not a barrier between me and the universe.
45. Diversity
Diversity does not divide. The Universe loves diversity. There are many manifestations of being: mineral, plant, animal... Varied manifestations of the minerals, plants, animals... Then, numerous manifestations of each type of each! Far more than just one kind of quartz, or oak, or whale, or… The Source of All loves, invents, demands diversity in all things. Uni-Verse. Even so, humans will insist there are “right” and “wrong” ways to be.
46. Human Options
Humans have choices other beings do not face. A human must seek to be in sync with the Universe – realize it is a choice – learn how – - and consciously choose to do so.
47. Source
The Source is my root, my stem, my branches, my blossom … and all that nourishes.